I’ve mentioned in other blog posts, especially after El Camino, that I missed my family. I am a big family girl. I mean I am half Cuban (it’s a cultural thing)! I am guilty of constantly messaging them on a daily basis. So when they told me a few months ago that they were going to Dominican Republic for a family vacation, and they wanted me to come, my wheels started turning!

We were staying at the Paradisus Palma Real Resort in Punta Cana. I arrived a day earlier than them, as I had an 8 hour flight to recover from. My family arrived the next afternoon.

Finally around 3:00pm everyone had arrived and I was going to surprise them. It was my Skype Moment!


I’d like to think that everyone has gone on vacation with their family and friends and it’s always a ‘shit show’. In my case… it never fails. Haha!

I find that every time I spend more and more time with them, ‘good-byes’ always become harder. I notice how much more they are part of my world. Although I might not physically be at home, they are always with me. Always.

I also realize that I am the ‘black sheep’ of the family! I don’t think it’s a bad thing, I just think they will NEVER be bored with me. Haha! (I hope they see it like that too)

I am 26 years old and I’ve lived in 3 different countries and home will always be my home. In fact, anyone that hangs with me knows I wear a bracelet with my coordinates to my ‘home’. The older I get the more I appreciate my family and all they’ve done for me.

Traveling has taught me so much! But I find that every time I return home or I am with my family after being away for so long, I learn even more about myself. I learn to appreciate things I have and don’t have in my life and the things I can not change.

We live in a generation where most of just take things for granted. We don’t stop and appreciate what we have. We should change that.

Not to mention that the past few weeks (before DR) I had been sleeping on couches and hostels, so staying at a 5 star resort was VERY nice!

Paradisus Palma Real Resort, was amazing! Let me not even get into the service and how wonderful everyone at the resort was. I recommend this resort to families looking to really enjoy Dominican Republic. (Check out my next post)

I know my family might not agree with everything that I do. And I know what I do isn’t the ‘normal’ thing to do as a career, but it’s my thing. I appreciate them for supporting my craziness and for now all I have to give in return are my random surprises and my traveling stories.  🙂