Being a traveler is a lifestyle. To be honest, it’s something I came to terms with recently. I’ve realized it more since I’ve been home, especially since I am headed out again soon. And it isn’t for everyone! In the recent months I met so many wonderful people from all around the world and every time I say, “I am a travel blogger’ they look at me like I got 10 heads.

(Like listen buddy, I’ve already come to terms with the fact that people think I am nuts because I quit a paying job, but I am happy so don’t judge! Ha!)

They ask all sorts of questions like, how can I afford to travel? How did I just leave everything and go? etc…

Any my response is always the same (I always respond with a smile), I saved a lot of money, sold a lot of stuff, and just decided to GO! (A little harder than that, but that’s as basic as it gets.)


The Lifestyle

Being a traveler is a lifestyle. It’s a bittersweet feeling ; I like to call it. It’s a double edge sword. I love traveling. I love meeting new people, eating new foods, hearing people’s stories, and more importantly learning more and more about myself through all my experiences.

But what I do is hard, especially because I know whats on the other side of the grass. Yes, life was a lot easier when I was working in a 9-5 cubical and I just needed to worry about making my boss and clients happy. And now its a little different.

Yes, I’ve traveled alone plenty before and it isn’t anything new, but it always feels new. I still get excited/nervous before a trip and think ‘Jen, what the hell are you doing?’. Haha!

I get random emails from people telling me they’ve never left home and there just going to quit their jobs and do it! Which is awesome that I’ve inspired people. But please, if you’ve never traveled alone, take baby steps. Traveling solo isn’t for everyone. I don’t think it makes me a stronger person because I can travel alone. I mean, I took baby steps. I traveled with friends first and then my group got smaller and smaller and I learned to be comfortable. Doesn’t mean that when I travel alone now, I don’t find myself nervous or scared. It happens to everyone! Every traveler. But please, take baby steps. Being alone is hard in general. Being alone in another country is even harder!  

Saying Good-Bye (or “see you later”)

Every time I leave home, I leave behind my family and friends. And I hate saying ‘good-bye’ it never gets any easier. In fact it only gets harder each time.  

See every time I leave home, I leave family and friends who’s lives are moving in a different direction to mine. Some people are building a great career for themselves in a corporate company, others are settling down with a partner etc. Creating memories. Moving in a different direction than I am. Which is great! It makes me smile. It’s a bittersweet feeling because I feel so far off that path, yet happy. And I am okay with that.


I can’t have a relationship because I am never in one place long enough to get to know a guy. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being single. Life is pretty good right now. I’ve met some great guys traveling, but none so far to stop me in my tracks or join me. 😉

Also, the value of falling in love right now it’s on my top priority. My priorities are else where. I am to concerned on planning my next adventure.

Budgeting (the big one)


When I go out, I budget myself. I don’t make as much money as I use to. So I have to make some sacrifices. I can’t have a $300 facial at The W Hotel because I need to save that money for meals. Haha! (Yes, I use to spend that kind of money on facials: worth every penny!)

I can’t stay in 5 star hotels because I need to pay for the plane ticket to get me there so I have to settle for 5 star hostels. Even being back home, I’ve had to stop myself from doing things, because I needed to stick to my budget. Like I mentioned early, I remember life on the other side of the grass and it was sweet.That certainly doesn’t mean I am not having fun, I’ve just figured out different ways to having fun without spending a fortune.

Con of Being a Solo Traveler

Being a solo traveler is even harder. Why? I need to be smart about traveling. I travel alone so I have to be a bit more wise and attentive. No, I can’t go out and get drunk alone in every city I travel to because it isn’t safe.

Being alone requires me to be alert at all times. I sometimes need to spend more money on better hostels or hotels because it’s just a ‘safer’ option. Lastly, (the obvious) I am a female. And I wouldn’t be able to defend myself as well as a man would. I know my weaknesses and for that I need to be more cautious.


Why Am I Happy?

I know what it’s like to be on the other said of the grass and have a good job with a steady pay check. I know the sacrifices I’ve made, the good and bad. Even the good-byes, because every time I come home I appreciate it a little more. I am a little more accepting of things. I’ve learned to have more patience.

I guess you can say traveling gave that to me.

This traveling life I lead is a lifestyle. It’s very different from anything I am use to and it isn’t for everyone. Constant change is the state I live in. But I am okay with that, in fact I am happier, but that’s me.

Some of us stop ourselves from traveling because of timing, money, and just life in general. It isn’t for everyone. It’s a double edge sword. Some of us really like our grass. Ha! And that’s okay.

The biggest advice I can share is that if you aren’t happy (with anything) for whatever reason, change it. Don’t find an excuse. There will always be an excuse. Prepare for the good and bad.

I ask you guys this, what kind of life do you lead? Do you like constant? Or are you just as crazy as I am and need change?


Status Update

First off, I apologize for being slacking on these blog posts. I have been working like a beast. Needless to say it’s all paid off and by the end of the September I will be headed out on my next adventure.

Which the following:

  • MORE Instagram Posts
  • MORE Facebook Posts
  • MORE Youtube Video (Need your help with this guys: should I do vblog everyday? or just one big video for each trip?)
  • MORE Tweets
  • MORE Periscoping Daily (if I get wi-fi) – so you guys can follow me my every LIVE move
I think I am calling it…

“Jen’s Adventure to the Land of Oz”

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Kicking it off with: (leaving end of September)

Thailand–>Laos–>Vietnam–>Indonesia–>Final Destination-Australia 

Watch out for my detailed itinerary next week!